With our inclusive approach hence, we invite each aspirant student to Uniglobe SS and be the part of the process that is dedicated to constructing learning from being self-engaged in tasks designed to offer a hand-in experience of unique blend of theory and practice. Dear Guardians and Aspiring Students, Uniglobe SS was incepted to deliver cutting edge education in science, management, law, and other areas having their impact on career. I am delighted that the institution is doing just to what it aimed to do under its top-notch philosophy and that is; education for building a 21st century citizen … Enrichment of this very niche is manifested in Uniglobe SS’s amicable educational status that it rightly bestows in the unique blend of culture and technology and also in its institutional motto ‘Bringing the best together.’
Dr. Drona Lal Puri Director (PhD from Shinawatra University, Thailand)