Uniglobe Secondary School



Science, Technology, And Human Relationships: A Double-Edged Sword

Science and technology are the outcomes of human innovation; they have been a boon for humans. Science has played a crucial role in our lives. We are all dependent on technology, so it has become an inevitable and inseparable aspect of our daily lives. Science and technology have not only made our lives easier but also influenced various aspects of our lives. One major aspect influenced by science and technology is human relationships. Human relations and socialization are crucial aspects of human life. Human relations are very important for living a healthy and happy life. Nowadays, the development in technology has also immensely impacted our human relations. Like a coin has two sides, technology also has both negative and positive effects on human relations. Technology has had a positive impact on human relations. In ancient times, when there was no significant development in the field of science and technology, people couldn’t communicate with their loved ones, friends, or family living in another country or far from them. They used to write letters to each other, which was very slow and only allowed for one-way communication. But nowadays, science and technology have given us mobile phones, the internet, etc., through which people can communicate with each other at any time. It has strengthened and deepened relationships between people. Science and technology have also gifted us with many social sites like emails, video calls, Viber, etc., through which communication is fun and easier. Despite all these positive aspects, science and technology have also been obstacles in strengthening human relations, which is a harsh truth to accept. Due to the advancement of the internet, cell phones, and many social sites like Instagram, Facebook, etc., most teenagers are negatively affected. Teenagers are always on their phones, playing games and chatting with their online friends virtually, but they fail to socialize with people in real life. It has made teenagers, as well as adults, more socially insecure and has made socialization harder for them, affecting their relationships and lowering their confidence as well. Not only teenagers, but many adults have also become victims of this burning issue, which is very essential to solve. In this way, science and technology have become both a boon and a curse for human relations development. To take maximum advantage of science and technology and to protect oneself from its cons, humans themselves must be more conscious and use gadgets thoughtfully. Science and technology are very significant, and we humans can’t even imagine our lives without them, so it is necessary to use these modern gifts consciously and thoughtfully by everyone. By: Prinsika Baraili (Science, F2)

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

Is The Parallel Universe Just A Theory?

A parallel universe has always been a feature of a good sci-fi story. But, could we be in one? Our universe is unimaginably big: hundreds of billions or trillions of stars. But is it all that’s out there? I highly doubt that. I love the thought that we might be living just one of an infinite number of possible lives. When we hear the term ‘Parallel Universe’, we often cite the classic science fiction picture of a parallel universe, something that acts as a mirror. Here one day, in this universe, you didn’t manage to have the guts to confess to that boy but in the parallel universe, not only did ‘you’ ask him out but a decade later, he became your husband. It sounds like the stuff of science fiction novels and movies. Or am I the only one who gets excited over some theory without proof? What if the dreams we have are the actual life in the parallel universe? Why do I believe in a parallel universe or multiverse?  Maybe it is just a hunch or coincidence but have you ever walked down a street, which you know very well and noticed that a tree or a building is missing from the scenery that you would swear was there last time you walked there? Some of the parallel universes are so similar as to be practically identified. So, just a hunch but what if whenever the universe is overpalling, we cross over to another universe temporarily and then cross back without destroying their matrix? Some will be in another universe and they’ll think. “I’m sure that this and such had happened”.  And someone says, “Well no, that has never happened”. You are just making that up. Was I just hallucinating? But I could swear to God. It did happen. Well, it may lead us to the conclusion, that either they were in a different universe when that happened or you were the one in a different universe. If we speak of examples, many people claim to have been in a parallel universe. It can be true or just a made-up story to post online. But humans cannot enter them simply as it is all theoretical. If they are a reality, there is still no way we could be sure of there being an entryway into one of them. The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light at an accelerating late.  So, trying to enter a parallel world is impossible. Some have also theorized that entry into a black hole could be a portal into a different universe. However, there is simply no way we can test this as of now. The whole thing about the parallel universe could be just a theory and doesn’t exist in real but that is what makes the whole theory exciting and mysterious. Because every time I try to shut down the topic of multiverse in my head. The other question eventually pops up, “what if?”. By: Sushmita Khadka (Science, C1)

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

Body-shaming And Its Impact On New Generation

Body shaming is a rising issue in today’s generation, characterized by the act of making critical and potentially humiliating comments about one’s body, size, and weight. This practice is particularly prevalent among teenagers and encompasses comparison, harassment, and discrimination, ultimately taking a negative toll on an individual’s personality, self-esteem, and body image. The judgment of the physical appearance and attributes of a person constitutes body shaming, ranging from subtle comments to overt discrimination. It is evident that we all come in different shapes and sizes; however, societal and media pressures impose unrealistic beauty standards and stereotypes. This global phenomenon affects individuals of all genders, ages, and nations, focusing solely on outer physical appearance rather than personality and behavior. The new generation is particularly affected by body shaming due to increased access to media and exposure to unrealistic beauty standards. Its consequences extend beyond the individual to society as a whole, with teenagers experiencing low self-esteem, self-confidence issues, anxiety, depression, and even resorting to extreme measures such as self-harm and suicide. Body shaming can have long-term effects, impacting adulthood in both personal and professional lives, perpetuating a culture of constant comparison and concealment of natural flaws to avoid belittlement. Furthermore, society suffers from this problem as body shaming fosters an environment of judgment and exclusivity rather than acceptance and inclusivity. Discrimination based on physical appearance becomes more prevalent, necessitating the implementation of various policies to address this growing issue. Educational institutions should promote body inclusivity and positivity, emphasizing acceptance of all shapes and sizes. Media platforms should enforce strict regulations against online body shaming. Additionally, policies should be enacted to hold individuals accountable for engaging in body-shaming behaviors. Body shaming is a serious issue that demands attention. Failure to address it will lead to the new generation struggling with low self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief, perpetually comparing themselves to unrealistic standards on social media. It is imperative to understand that body shaming cannot be dismissed as a joke, as it causes discomfort and unhappiness about one’s body due to others’ comments. Addressing body shaming requires comprehensive efforts, promoting body positivity and inclusivity while fostering equal treatment for all individuals, regardless of their physical attributes. By: Wanjala Maharjan (Science, A2)

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

The Pros And Cons Of Online Education

Education is the discipline concerned with methods of teaching and learning in an institute or similar environment. It is the medium for socializing a person. In recent years, online education has replaced traditional and physical classrooms worldwide. Online education is simply a method of providing education through the use of ICT and Internet technology. Online education is a procedure for gaining skills and knowledge through electronics using Internet technology. Online education has become widespread since the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the lockdown, students were not able to attend traditional classrooms, which gave priority to online education. Online education has become a great source of education available anytime, anywhere for students. Through the use of electronics and the Internet, it has become more flexible for students to learn. This kind of learning flexibility cannot be attained during traditional classroom learning, as students are confined within the four walls of a classroom with the same teacher. Online education has numerous advantages. It provides the delivery of lessons to students using tools such as videos, PDFs, games, etc., as part of the lesson plan. It also allows students to attend any class from any part of the world. It allows institutions to reach out to a broader network of students, instead of being restricted by geographical boundaries. Also, online education reduces financial costs. It is more affordable, as a certain amount of money used for transportation and lunch is reduced. Additionally, a person becomes more creative without being dependent on books and teachers. It reduces the absenteeism rate, as students won’t be late or can’t make excuses. Hence, online education suits all methods. Online education is a boon for students, but it also has many limitations. For online education, it is necessary for students and teachers to have electronics, but if either lacks electronics, then the chances for online education will decrease. Also, one must have sound knowledge about the use of information and communication technology (ICT). The major disadvantage of online education is that a person may feel lonely. They read via online classes and graduate too, but they miss the chance to socialize, make friends, and become afraid to share anything with others. Simply put, it acts as a barrier for a person to socialize. We can see that online education is very helpful. For example, a person residing in Nepal can study in universities in different countries. In this case, a person can socialize with society rather than just in a classroom. Also, online classes may help a student discover and identify topics from various perspectives. Hence, online education seems to be advantageous. By: Pramish Koirala (Science, F2)

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

It’s Time To Wake Up From The Dream

Earth is the warmth in winter, a shadow in summer, and an eye-catching picture inautumn. It’s a place where one feels safe and can enjoy moments of freedom. Isn’t itour responsibility to protect our Mother Earth? What are we doing, passing master’sdegrees and obtaining jobs with our qualifications, if we aren’t even aware of theimportance of our planet? It is a shame on all of us and our deeds. So, it’s time to wakeup from our slumber and contribute, even a little, to make our Earth better thanyesterday. Climate change is a burning issue worldwide, creating a devastating situation forMother Earth. Our lives are endangered day by day, and people are compelled to facevarious obstacles due to its effects. Our Earth is slowly being destroyed, and we neverknow what will happen next. Do you think the Earth will remain as healthy andbeautiful in the coming decades? Obviously not! The emission of greenhouse gases,depletion of the ozone layer, harmful UV rays, and other radiations slowly enter theEarth, and, most importantly, the carelessness and ignorance of common people arethe major reasons behind adverse climate change. However, as responsible citizens,we can contribute significantly to its control and minimization. Earth is a beautiful place to live in. It is the place where our life begins with tears inour eyes and ends with tears in the eyes of our loved ones. It is precious to each one ofus, as it provides us with shelter and dreams to chase. However, with the advancementand flow of infrastructural development, Earth has been severely affected. Harmfulgases, dust, and smoke released from industries have adversely affected oursurroundings. Due to climate change, various harmful communicable diseases arespreading widely. In the context of Nepal, recently, COVID-19, eye flu, viral fever,and dengue are the consequences people are facing. Many innocent lives have beenlost. Deforestation is also one of the main causes.Climate change will one day make our lives even more difficult to sustain. Therefore,we, as citizens, must be aware of its effects and contribute to the protection andpreservation of Mother Earth. Old vehicles should be replaced with new ones, andelectric vehicles should be prioritized to minimize environmental impact. Factoriesand industries must be established far away from settlements, following precautionsand measures for healthy establishment. The Government of Nepal should take strictaction and implement plans and policies for Earth conservation. Hence, climate change is a serious issue that needs attention. If not properlyaddressed, it will have adverse impacts on the lives of millions of people. By: Kripa Gautam (Management, E1)

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

The Warmth Within Snow

It is still in my memory, one morning my father’s phone rang. I was studying in Grade 5, living in the town where I grew up. ‘Libang’, the headquarters of the Rolpa district, was a little darker. Waiting for the sunlight of early morning to light it up. “Sir, we’ve arrived already!” Someone said to my father on call. It was the month of Falgun, and my father, mother and I were going to ‘Thabang’. ‘Thabang’, the place has a historical significance regarding the decade-long Maoist Insurgency. The group I was going with, had similar political reasons to visit the place as well. I, with my parents, stepped out of my house to join them. They were standing, waiting for us. We had a brief interaction before we went in the jeep. I remember it was a Mahindra – Scorpio. After almost five hours of journey, we reached our destination. As I was taking my first step into the historical land, my thoughts were dedicated to the tourist attractions we saw on the way. We joined the program that we went for. Before the sun was setting, the event ended, and we went to the Homestay we were staying at. Early the next morning, my father, me, the visitors who had arrived with us, and some locals roamed the whole village. The roads were tiled up with beautifully shaped flat stones. Human hands are capable of a high level of development, ‘Thabang’ was an example of this. We visited ‘Mahat,’ Rukum which was nearby. Shortly after, we returned for lunch and started to move toward ‘Jaljala’. This plan was made immediately right there. We were supposed to be returning. We, on the vehicle, reached a higher place from where we had to move on foot. People interested in talking with each other subconsciously formed their respective groups and started moving ahead. I, with a lot of excitement, was walking ahead of all. Amit Uncle, a local from ‘Thabang’, was with us. So, we had no problems regarding directions and all. Although this was my second time going to ‘Thabang’, I had been there through ‘Jelbang’ only. This time we went there through ‘Mirul’ and ‘Thabang’. Roads were different, but the destination was the same. A place with significance in religious, historical, and natural tourism-related aspects, ‘Jaljala’ was enlisted in the top 100 places for Visit Nepal 2020. It was one of the places with the highest altitude in Rolpa. The uphill I ignored them, I had to reach there first of all. Anyhow! And we did it within a few hours. And most importantly, we were lucky to see the snowfall there. ‘Jaljala’ is not any mountain, nor was it a season for snowfalls. But, the snow welcomed us! I enjoy the places I go, not the changes occurring there. But, ‘Jaljala’ was different this time. I was expecting to play with the varieties of vegetation there and see the trees of 9 different species of Rhododendron. But there was no greenery, but everything black. Burned because of wildfire. I was a child, sad because I could not get a photo with green in the background. Regardless of anything, we all gathered there and prepared some snacks to eat. Fortunately, snow fell again. It was a great coincidence, snowfall in Falgun and we were there. It was black a few moments ago, ‘Jaljala’ was now covered in white. This was my first experience with snow. We played with it. And returned, being through the ‘Bhama Odaar’. I used to think that it must be very cold walking in the snow. But it felt like nothing. I kept moving. I still, felt nothing until I did not see any whites. As soon as I stepped on the land with no snow, I realized how cold it was. I have no idea if it was dopamine, functioning like adrenaline, but I felt no cold when I was in the snow. Getting out of it triggered my realization. I started contemplating as we returned to ‘Thabang’ back, and started our journey back to ‘Libang’. Is this experience a part of our life? Being in a hole and not realizing it until you get out of it. Try to think about it in the context of everything. Politics, foreign employment, relationships, facilities, education, law enforcement, and every other thing. The warmth within the snow is only if you haven’t seen an actual warm land. Nobody knows the actual problem if they haven’t seen it being solved somewhere. Yes, the biggest lie I’ve known in my life is the warmth within snow. By: Archit Babu Merciful (Law, M2)

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

Sustainable Development & 2030 Agendas

Sustainable development entails utilizing natural resources for present needs while ensuring their preservation for future generations. These resources, including water, minerals, and forest products, are vital for various developmental activities. However, human actions, such as deforestation, have accelerated global warming, necessitating our responsibility to protect the environment for future generations. As stewards of our planet, it’s crucial to reduce the consumption of toxic chemicals and gases, as outlined in the 2030 agenda. Industrial emissions must be filtered, and the transition to electric vehicles can mitigate pollution. Moreover, reliance on excessive technological products should be minimized to curb environmental degradation. Historically, human innovation has led to both progress and environmental harm. We must prioritize the development of eco-friendly solutions to preserve natural resources for all living organisms. Afforestation initiatives and personal choices, like walking instead of driving short distances, can collectively contribute to Earth’s preservation. Educating and involving every individual in sustainable practices is paramount for the future of our planet. Failure to act swiftly will jeopardize Earth’s ability to sustain life. Therefore, it’s imperative to foster a collective understanding of sustainable development among all individuals. By raising awareness and implementing eco-conscious practices, we can prolong Earth’s lifespan and ensure a habitable environment for generations to come. Incorporating sustainable principles into everyday life, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting renewable resources, can significantly impact the health of our planet. Additionally, advocating for policies that promote environmental protection and investing in green technologies are essential steps toward achieving long-term sustainability. As stewards of Earth, we hold the responsibility to safeguard its natural resources and biodiversity. Through collaborative efforts and commitment to sustainable practices, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and future generations. In conclusion, sustainable development is not just a concept but a call to action for individuals, communities, and governments worldwide. Together, we can strive towards a harmonious relationship with nature and ensure the continued well-being of our planet for generations to come. By: Aaryaa Shrestha (Management, F2)

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

Reflections on Life: Finding Meaning Amidst Despair

“I am depressed.” This is a line that we hear a lot, a little too much nowadays, I’m afraid. But this makes me wonder too. Are you depressed? Of course, that isn’t to discredit the feelings that, the person in question is feeling but still, it’s an interesting question that I think about, especially since having been diagnosed with clinical depression at one point in my life, I have a very intimate ex-relationship with this wondrous madness of a disease called depression. But as I got out of this relationship, I started wondering to myself, if these people who called themselves depressed, really were depressed, or really, they were just sulking about their not-so-depressing lives. Then I wonder about the words of our parents. “I’ve given you a house to live in, food to eat, clothes to wear, all the things that you need to feel happy, so why are you depressed?” And that does make sense if you think about it. All of us have a pretty decent life, if we think about it. Even as you walk in or out of the college, you’re able to see that there are tens of people standing right outside the giant buildings, with plastic bags in their hands or in front of them, begging us for money, for their survival. Ironic, how a college that only some of the higher end of the Nepalese population can attend so brazenly has so many beggars and kids who wear patched or dirty clothes with holes in them begging in bright open. Yet, it fills me with an even deeper sense of despair as I walk past these kids, these humans who look only as though shells of their beings, the lights from their eyes having disappeared long ago, only living to receive the free food distributed every Tuesday by visitors wearing expensive and fancy clothing in front of the Ganesh Mandir.  I think about how my life would’ve been if I was born in a situation like this if I was born to someone who couldn’t even afford to send me to the poorest of schools, if I was strung wide out into the streets of Kathmandu to be a drunkard or a beggar who hurls around giant bags of trash on my shoulders, looking at the kids wearing suits, with fancy phones worth tens of thousands, or in some cases, lakhs, and still complaining about how their lives were so depressing. Yet as I walk by the ‘Gallis’ of my city, I witness many sights. Sights of kids wearing dirty old clothes playing with broken pieces of wood and ‘Chungi’, pretending as though they were playing badminton, kids playing cricket with worn down pieces of bat-shaped plastics, with a cheap 10-rupee ball. I witness sights of tens of porters strung around a single worn down phone with cracks all over the screen, with a game of ludo going on the phone, sometimes 5-rupees and 10-rupees being offered in bets over this game. I also witness families of trash collectors and recyclers, the ones who we look down on with contempt and disdain, hand over the books that they bought from the children who finished their final exams and give them to their children, perhaps hoping that they would at least try to learn from the books that they got. Yet something common that I see amongst all of these people is one thing. Happiness. All these children that play with wooden boards and ‘Chungi’, children playing cricket with worn down plastic bats, old porters huddled up around an old phone playing ludo, and the man handing down the worn and torn book to his kid, all seem to be bursting with more laughter and happiness than I have ever seen in the big buildings and complexes of my city. These people who are deemed the bottom feeders of our society seem to be the ones with the most happiness, while we, the ones who seem to be higher up in the food chain seem to be the ones who are the unhappiest, we resign ourselves as being the most unfortunate in our lives, when in the end, these people who evidently, without a doubt do not have as many luxuries as we do, seem to be the happiest. If this man who does not know whether his stomach will have food by the end of a hard day of work, filled with sweat and blood even, can simply become happy with a cup of cheap milk tea and a game of ludo, then what right do I have to be unhappy? Of course, that doesn’t mean that mine or anyone else’s problems aren’t worth anything at all, nono. Perhaps we simply need to realize that the things we fixate our lives and our thoughts over, don’t need to be so complicated, that living life isn’t like solving a parametric derivative or integration by parts (which I perhaps will never understand how to do), that really, we don’t need to be unhappy. Along the lines of something that a certain hero (not an actual hero, but they call themselves hero all the time, so why not call them that too) told me, “The world is what you mirror yourself as you see the world the way you see yourself if you see life as being boring, then it will be boring if you see life as being sad, then it will be sad!” And perhaps that is indeed true. If you see life as a depressing hell, then that is what life will be, a depressing hell. So, instead of going to these fancy cafes and restaurants, where most people, me, really aren’t enjoying their lives, perhaps visit these small tea shops, walk in these galleries that have children who will have never experienced the luxury you have experienced, and watch these men who are strung at the bottom of society laugh over a cheap, diluted cup of tea and perhaps you

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

Gen Z: Digital Realities and Mental Health

As Gen Z (Generation Z) grew in a world more interconnected than ever, they were able to connect and learn various new things, which would have been impossible in the previous generations. But this has proved to be a boon and a curse at the same time as due to globalization and being deeply intertwined with each other, it also poses certain risks as this new generation is more prone to cyber-attacks, cyber-bullying which can impose a greater mental strain on them. People have seemed to call this generation soft or otherwise “Snowflakes”, claiming that they get offended even over the slightest of minor inconveniences. But doing this will not solve any problems instead we must look at this critically and try to find out the root cause of this sensitivity and try to validate their points as things they say are true but are dismissed by the older generation as this “New-gen shenanigans”.  Doing so would not only not solve the problem but can seriously impact their well-being. Older people must try to look at themselves in the mirror and think if what they thought to be true and “the way” can be right or wrong. This current generation that is now growing up is being termed the “Ipad generation”, claiming that all they do is spend time on this device and are inseparable. These practices are sure to bring some dire repercussions in the future but if we talk about Gen Z, they are the “social media” generation who grew up in the growing phase of social media and are now living in the peak time of it. There are various social media such as Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, Reedit, discord, and many more but the most impacting for the current youth is undoubtedly Instagram. Teen boys and girls are especially prone to the ill effects caused by this app as they get a sense of insecurity and garner low self-esteem and in some severe cases lead to depression. For some, their life is revolved around how many of their followers viewed their story and how many liked their posts sometimes when the number of people who have viewed their story doesn’t match the amount of likes that they are getting, they start to feel bad about themselves and look at other people and make their current predicament even worse. They start to view that their self-worth corresponds to the number of followers that they have and actively spend most of their precious time on Instagram while some spend hours going through reels. But some of them have started to know about this bad practice and got out of it but some left with some serious scars. When asked to define their current mental health or well-being, only 15% of those polled in Generation Z indicated it was outstanding. According to the study, GenZers have reported negative emotions such as tension, anxiety, and loneliness. This is a significant decrease from a decade ago when 52% of millennials in the same age range stated their mental health was outstanding, according to the research. Furthermore, in 2004, 55% of persons aged 18 to 26, including both millennials and Gen X respondents, reported having great mental health. There are also indications that technology helps younger individuals with access to supportive mental health resources. Respondents from Generation Z are more inclined than other generations to use digital wellness applications and mental health initiatives. School shootings (primarily in the United States), student debt, joblessness, and even politics all contribute to Gen Z’s chronic stress.  Technology also has a role. Growing up in a hyper-connected society can elicit deep feelings of isolation and loneliness in certain young people. It can also foster a continual drumbeat of bad news stories, a fear of missing out, and humiliation at falling short of a social media-worthy norm. When it comes to gender and identity issues, Generation Z is more welcoming and inclusive. Discrimination and a lack of acceptance for gender identity or sexual orientation, on the other hand, might still lead to mental health issues. While still in some parts of the world and even in Nepal, people tend to shy away from this topic saying “Hya… Testo Chatake Kura Nagara”, there have also been some healthy and mature discussions related to this. And there is also some need for talk regarding gender identity and sexual orientation and their differences. Finally, as Generation Z grapples with the potential and problems of an interconnected world, it becomes clear that their mental health is inextricably related to the digital ecosystem in which they live. With the advent of social media sites, particularly Instagram came with both connection and potential harm. While some negotiate these settings with grace and understanding, others wear the wounds of a never-ending quest for social approval. By: Nhuja Manandhar (Science, G2)

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

Jealous Of You

As I Sit and look at you, All I feel is envy; Pretty house, a pretty garden Living in a world of fantasy. I am jealous of the way you see the world Like its yours You don’t care, you just dream Dream of castle and a while horse. It feels Like life hasn’t done you dirty yet The sudden realization will soon hit you Hit you Like a razing storm and drown you Drown You so so deep. There will be no escape for you You have all these people with you  People you look upto Those you love and admire. But my “people” they left One last dinner with them. In that same old house is my only desire  You don’t have to try to be loved. It’s easy, for them to love you so  As for me? It feels occasional  Like a breeze, touch and go But we have the same eyes. We got the same smile Which makes me realize  Mine don’t shine as bright as the morning sunrise I keep turning the pages of these albums. I look at these photo frames  I can’t turn back time to the good old days And that makes my heart burn in flames I am jealous of you, I accept. Don’t wish grow older I beg  Don’t blow out those candles, little me  Because life is not a fairytale And definitely not your fantasy. So yes, I am jealous of myself Of little me, And I loathe her for wishing to grow older Because her wishes came true Now I am only miserable. By: Aashna Adhikari (Management, A2)

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