
Trios Musical Fest 2080

Importance of Youth and Development

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

Importance of Youth and Development

Youth is the phase of age in which the children come out of the protective shells which is a dependent phase and now they can spread their wings throughout the hope. They are the pillars of our country. They are the hope of light for the development or well-being of the country. Without youth, it is impossible for the expectation of well-being of the country. Youth has many responsibilities and duties to our nation. So, he/she must not be lazy.

Youths are the future of our country. The condition of our country depends on the dedication of youths towards the developmental works of the nation. But instead of being dedicated, youths in this generation are heading abroad right after receiving a good education. They are the skilled manpower of our country. But now, they are moving to foreign countries for their career and opportunities. 

But, if it is observed on the other hand, youths are not completely to be blamed for this. As it is the fault of the government of our country too. They do not provide opportunities to the right ones and they do not educate every person in the country as well. If the people of rural areas also get opportunities to be educated, they can also take part in the development works of our country.

But the government should provide job opportunities along with a deserving amount of salary to the skilled ones. They should also spread education across every corner of the country. Women also be provided with job opportunities. Poverty should be eliminated.

Let us take an example of a youth who is doing great for the nation; Balen Shah. He is the current mayor of Kathmandu Metropolis who was elected by every youngster. In a very short time, he has won the hearts of every Nepali. He has decided to provide food for the students in public schools. So, instead of giving opportunities to old and feeble ones, youths should be given priority. Youths are the future of our nation. This should be provided with enough facilities. The work and dedication of youths should not be rejected or neglected at any cost.

Youths should be well aware of the future of the nation. They should be aware of the consequences of going abroad. They are the only people who can influence children towards the wellbeing of nations too.

By: Samriddhi Timilsina (Science, F2)

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