Climate refers to the average atmospheric conditions of a place over a long period. There are different types of climatic conditions all over the world. Some places are hot, some are cold, and others have a moderate climate. While climate change is essential for our ecosystem, continuous and drastic changes can harm it.
In today’s generation, climate change is occurring drastically due to human activity. According to scientific research, climate change began in the late 19th century due to human causes. Activities such as smoke emissions from industries and factories, improper waste disposal on land and water, soil deforestation, and rapid depletion of natural resources for quick production of goods have contributed to climate change. The main gases responsible for climate change are CO₂ and CH₄ (methane), emitted from factories and industries.
Due to climate change, our planet and its inhabitants have suffered harm. Gases like CH₄, CO₂, and SO₂ have been damaging the ozone layer in Earth’s atmosphere, allowing harmful radiation from the sun to enter the Earth’s surface. This has led to a drastic increase in temperature, causing glacier lake eruptions and rising sea levels due to ice melting from UV rays exposure. Climate change has also exacerbated poverty, hunger, and environmental pollution.

Scientific research predicts that between 2030 and 2050, approximately 280,000 people will die due to the effects of climate change. To prevent the further spread of diseases caused by climate change, urgent action is necessary. We must strive to mitigate climate change by reducing harmful gas emissions and promoting afforestation. It’s crucial to raise awareness among the public about the causes and consequences of climate change through organized efforts. Both the government and citizens must play a vital role in addressing this issue to prevent innocent lives from suffering and death.
Not only humans, but innocent animals are also dying due to climate change. Acid rain, floods, landslides, skin burns, and drastic temperature increases have harmed humans and animals. Many wildlife species have become extinct due to melting ice, greatly impacting the environment and sea levels. In conclusion, we must do everything we can to combat climate change. Though it’s a slow process, it’s not impossible; thus, we must give it our best effort.
By: Aniska Shrestha (Science, C1)