
Trios Musical Fest 2080

Unveiling the power of mewing: unlocking the facial potential and aesthetics

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

Unveiling the power of mewing: unlocking the facial potential and aesthetics

Hey there! Have you ever heard of something super cool called mewing? It’s not a magic spell or a high-tech gadget; it’s a simple trick that might change your face and life! So what’s all the buzz about?

Mewing is like a facial workout that doesn’t involve sweating or lifting weights. Instead, it’s about how you position your tongue in your mouth. Sounds weird, right? Here’s the deal: it’s all about putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth, keeping your lips together, and teeth lightly touching.

But wait, why bother? Well, mewing isn’t just about looking good. It’s about making your face grow in the best way possible, especially when you’re young. They say it helps to straighten teeth, shape your jawline, define your cheekbones, adjust the nose without the need for surgeries and expensive orthodontics, and even make breathing easier, possibly reducing snoring and sleep apnea. How? Pushing the maxilla bone forward, it’s believed to widen your airways. Crazy, right?

So, how does this simple tongue posture work such wonders? Well, inside your skull, there are things called sutures, kind of like cracks that help bones grow evenly as kids mature. And guess what? One of your sutures is on the roof of your mouth. Applying consistent tongue pressure on this area is thought to encourage facial bone growth, somewhat like using a device to expand the bone.

But here’s the thing: it’s not a quick fix. You won’t wake up tomorrow with a superhero jawline. Mewing needs patience and doing it every day, like brushing your teeth. It’s a slow and steady process but worth it.

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

Mewing is like a superhero power you have inside you. It’s not about changing to fit, but about discovering your awesome potential. It’s like giving yourself a secret boost that only you know about. In a world where everyone wants things super-fast, mewing is a reminder that good things take time.

Enter orthotropic, a theory that merges “ortho” for “straight” and “tropos” for “growth”. This concept was born from a family legacy steeped in facial development. Dr. Mike Mew, a current expert in orthotropics and an innovator of mewing, traces this knowledge back to his grandfather, a practitioner using expansion devices in the 20th century. Dr. John Mew, father of Mike Mew and inventor of Mewing, stumbled upon his father’s records after his passing. These records proved that facial bone growth in individuals was indeed possible without resorting to surgery, a groundbreaking revelation that laid the foundation for mewing.

Building upon the strength of ancestral wisdom, Dr. Mike Mew stands today as a torchbearer continuing holistic facial development. Decades of research, dedication, and innovation have culminated in the practice known as mewing.

Now let’s dive deeper into the mewing techniques and facts. Dr. Mike Mew shares a crucial exercise to ensure you’re mewing correctly. He emphasizes creating a vacuum in your mouth by sucking out saliva and gently pressing your tongue without applying too much pressure. It’s not about pushing your tongue forcefully; it’s about maintaining a suction hold. Mewing isn’t just about sticking your tongue to the roof of your mouth. It’s a set of exercises and habits. It involves techniques like lip taping, eating with lips closed, maintaining your posture, and even changing your breathing patterns. All these small habits can contribute to a larger facial transformation. Ever felt sutures in your bone? Those cracks play a role. Some sutures don’t fuse until later in life, allowing bone growth in adulthood.

So, whether you want a sharper jawline or want to feel better in your skin, mewing might be your thing. So, why not give it a shot and unlock your superpower with mewing?

By: Ridesh Bhujel (Science, M1)

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