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Why Stable Government Is Necessary In Nepal?

Uniglobe College | Uniglobe Secondary School

Why Stable Government Is Necessary In Nepal?

Not a single government in Nepal has served out a full five-year term since, the restoration of democracy in 1990. This is due to the lack of majority support, coalition disputes, or political interference in Nepal. There is hardly a government that lasted for a year. As a result, the government could not completely perform its plan, project, and policies. An unstable government affects the works of the development projects as the priority of government changes based upon which political party is ruling the government. There is also a well-known trend that the development project and plan run by the earlier government is canceled out by the next government. This is due to lethal politics. The major political parties in Nepal play the blame game and pull down each other’s instead of supporting them for good work. So, there is a lack of proper integration and beliefs between the political parties due to the reason when one party is ruling the government, the opposition party always opposes the government no matter whether the government is doing good or evil works. Then why does Nepal need a stable government?

  • Socioeconomic Development: A stable government can focus on implementing long-term economic and development policies, which are essential for addressing poverty, and unemployment, and improving the overall standard of living for the people.
  • Investment and Business Confidence: Political stability attracts both domestic and foreign investment. Businesses are more likely to invest in a country where there is a stable political environment, leading to economic growth, job creation, and increased business activities.
  • Rule of Law and Governance: Stable governance ensures the consistent application of the rule of law, the protection of citizens’ rights, and the provision of public services. This fosters a sense of security and trust among the population.
  • Infrastructure Development: A stable government can plan and execute infrastructure projects efficiently, including building roads, bridges, schools, and healthcare facilities. This enhances connectivity, access to essential services, and overall quality of life.
  • Social Harmony: Political stability contributes to social cohesion and harmony by reducing conflicts related to political uncertainty. It allows for a focus on addressing social disparities and promoting inclusivity among different groups.
  • Foreign Relations: A stable government can maintain stable foreign relations, negotiate treaties, and engage in international cooperation effectively, safeguarding the country’s interests on the global stage.
  • Crisis Management: In times of crises such as natural disasters or health emergencies, a stable government can respond promptly and efficiently, minimizing damage, ensuring public safety, and coordinating relief efforts effectively.
  • Political Reforms: Political stability provides a conducive environment for implementing necessary political reforms and addressing constitutional issues through dialogue and negotiation.
  • Public Confidence and Participation: A stable government fosters public trust in the political system, encouraging greater civic engagement, voter turnout, and active participation in democratic processes.
  • Long-Term Planning: A stable government can engage in strategic, long-term planning for sustainable development, effectively managing challenges and pursuing goals over an extended period.
  • Cultural Preservation: A stable government can focus on preserving and promoting Nepal’s rich cultural heritage and unique identity, which contributes to the country’s pride and global recognition.
  • Tourism and Economic Growth: Political stability attracts tourists, leading to economic growth through increased tourism-related activities and expenditures.

In conclusion, a stable government creates an environment of predictability, consistency, and continuity that is conducive to progress in various aspects of society. It leads to the development of the nation and ensures the well-being of its citizens.

By: Rijesh Rai (Management, A2)

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Uniglobe SS College, located in Kathmandu, Nepal, offers +2 programs in Science, Management and Law.

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