E-Commerce Strategies For The Attraction Of New Customers
E-commerce! Who does not know about e-commerce? Yeah, I agree, in the past only a few people had knowledge about e-commerce but now in the present generation, the tables have turned and only a few people do not know about e-commerce, it would be as the buying and selling of goods, products or service over the internet. Similarly, the transaction of money and funds is also considered as e-commerce. Concerning the topic, the strategies of e-commerce for attracting new customers are Website design, social media marketing, paid advertisement, loyalty program and data analysis, and global expansion. The first impression of e-commerce websites is crucial for businesses investing in user-friendly, responsive, visually appealing websites. The seamless and efficient website not only attracts customers but also helps to engage in the work. Similarly, with more than a billion users of social media, businesses enable the channels to promote their brand by targeting ad campaigns, and fund campaigns to attract new customers. If the website design is appealing, customers will believe that the website is legit and will not hesitate to buy the products. PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is also helping to attract customers from Google ads, Facebook, and Instagram which enable a wider audience. Many e-commerce businesses employ a loyalty program, offering discounts to their first buyer which encourages the long-term buying to the goods from the same seller. Data analysis has also been proven a good strategy to attract new customers as they analyze the information about the person’s interest and recommend those things that they are interested in by which they are forced to buy the good. Global expansion of e-commerce is also a crucial point as the local culture will be spread overall. Many e-commerce businesses are also recruiting social media influencers like YouTubers to promote their brand. For example, take a famous YouTuber who has millions of subscribers. People usually like to watch their videos and if in the middle of watching the video, they introduce us to a product we will take some time to listen about the product and we may also like it if we buy that product the e-commerce will grow as well as the business. The following were some of the strategies to attract more new customers but in all terms of business of business, there are many ways to increase the successive rate and growth of the business or e-commerce. If the commerce service provides a well-functioning product to the customer, then there can be a 360-degree turn to increase the growth of certain e-commerce businesses. That would be a win-win situation for both the e-commerce business and the people. One thing is surely true that e-commerce has truly been proven a very good and easy for the busy schedule in one people’s life. By: Samikshya Maharjan (Science, F1)